What are authors:
Authors of this Web-site are working at the Sechenov Institute for
Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry under the Russian Academy of Science
(IEPhB RAS), 44, M. Thorez, St-Petersburg, 194223, Russia.
We are a small but energetic team including three experts, as follows from left to right:
Ekatherina Magnitskaya (Savostyanova), PHD, Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Mathematical Simulation
of Evolution (now unemployed)
Gennady Savostyanov, Dr. Sci. in Biology & PhD in Medicine, Senior Res. Worker,
Laboratory of Sensory Organ Evolution;
Nadezhda M. Grefner, PhD, assistant professor, Laboratory
of Cell`s uitrastrucrures, Res. Inst. of Citology, St-Petersburg, Russia.
The subject of the investigation:
Research methods:
For contacts:
Gennady Savostyanov, Laboratory of Sensory Organ Evolution,
IEPhB RAS, 44, M. Thorez, St-Petersburg, 194223, Russia.
Fax: +7(812)552-30-12, phone: +7(812)550-49-89.
E-mail: gensav@iephb.ru;
Let's work together!
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